Coastal cosmetic injectable

Anti-Wrinkle Injections

A person who had anti-wrinkle injections in Taree

Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Anti-wrinkle injections are one of the most widely performed cosmetic treatments used across Australia. Anti-wrinkle injections are used to prevent and reduce the appearance of wrinkles caused by the movement of our muscles in the face. The injections work by blocking signals between the nerves and muscles which prevents the muscles from contracting and forming lines on the surface of the skin.

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Anti Wrinkle Injections are a popular cosmetic treatment that can help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. The injections are made from a substance called botulinum toxin, which is a type of protein. Due to laws in Australia, it is illegal to promote medical products on a website or within social media and therefore the brands cannot be discussed here.


The protein works by temporarily relaxing the muscles in the face, which reduces the appearance of wrinkles. The injections are usually given around the forehead, eyes and mouth, however, multiple other areas can be treated.


The treatment is very safe and effective, and there are very few side effects associated with it. The effects of the injections typically last for 3-4 months, after which the injections will need to be repeated.

  • Benefits of Anti-Wrinkle Injections:

    • Reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines
    • Gives a more youthful appearance
    • Can help prevent the further development of wrinkles
    • Non-invasive treatment with minimal downtime
    • Can be used to treat other conditions such as migraines and excessive sweating

  • What Areas Can Be Treated with Anti-wrinkle Injections?

    • Crows feet
    • Forehead
    • Frown lines
    • Nose (bunny lines)
    • Platysmal muscles (neck)
    • Lips (Lip flip)
    • Mentalis (chin)
    • DAO (marionette area)
    • Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) or the armpits, hands and feet
    • Masseter muscles (teeth grinding and tension of the jaw)

  • Preparing for Anti-Wrinkle Injections:

    • A full consultation with our Registered Nurse is required prior to any treatment. This allows the practitioner to fully assess the patient, and educate them on the treatment, potential risks and outcomes. This also gives the patient the opportunity to ask questions and gain valuable knowledge to make an informed choice regarding their treatment plan. During the consultation, the patient will also speak to a medical practitioner to discuss any concerns and to obtain a script for the procedure.
    • Avoid blood thinners such as aspirin, ibuprofen and fish oil before the treatment
    • Inform the practitioner of any medications, allergies or previous medical conditions
    • No consuming alcohol before the treatment
    • Arrive at your appointment make-up free to ensure a full assessment and to reduce the risk of infection

  • What to Expect During Your Treatment?

    Our registered nurse will clean the skin thoroughly and will mark the injection sites to identify the muscle to be treated. A small needle is used to inject the botulinum toxin into the required areas. The procedure only takes a few minutes and there may be some slight discomfort during the injection process.

  • What to Expect After Your Treatment?

    There might be redness, swelling or tenderness in the treated area. This is a normal result of the injections and will generally disappear within a few days. There may also be mild bruising at the injection points. 


    To reduce the risk of bruising, it is important to adhere to the aftercare regime. Please avoid any medications containing NSAIDs, aspirin, vitamin E and ginseng for the week prior and the week following treatment, unless medically necessary and after a discussion with your doctor or nurse.

    You may have a mild headache which can be treated with paracetamol if required. 


    The treated area may feel heavy or ‘strange’, this is normal and will settle as the Botulinum toxin takes effect over the first 10-14 days.


    There may also be asymmetry of the treated muscles until the treatment takes full effect, this is normal and due to the muscles slowly relaxing. This is most noticeable with forehead treatments. 

    Rarer side effects would have been discussed in the consultation process and are not expected with every treatment.

  • Immediate Aftercare – What to Do at Home

    • Do not lie flat for 4 hours following your treatment. 
    • Avoid any heat-inducing activities for 24 hours such as strenuous exercise, spas, saunas and hot showers.
    • Avoid pressure on the area for the first 24 hours (sleep on your back if possible, no face down massages). Do not rub or massage the area. 
    • Avoid alcohol for 24 hours (We always prefer clients to abstain from alcohol for 7 days prior and 7 days post-treatment, for optimal results and to minimise bruising/swelling).
    • Avoid active cosmeceutical products (AHAs, retinol, vitamin C) and oil based makeup for 24 hours.
    • Avoid eyebrow treatments, facials, waxing, chemical peels, skin needling, Hydrafacial, BBL or laser treatments for 2 weeks after treatment. Please discuss your future treatment plans with your practitioner.

  • Treatment Follow-up

    You may begin to notice the results in 3-7 days with results visible at 14 days. Masseter and hyperhidrosis treatments may take up to 4 weeks to take effect. 


    A second treatment between 14-21 days of the wrinkle relaxer treatment may be necessary to achieve optimal results and to determine a correct dosing regime. Masseters may need a review at 4-6 weeks.  

    Please note that no follow up or additional treatments will be performed prior to the anti-wrinkle injections taking full effect (prior to 14 days). 


    Each dose is individualised to each patient. Further costs will be incurred with any follow-up treatment. These are not ‘top-up’ treatments, as treatment is individualised and charged per unit.

    A follow-up may be needed to optimise dosage and placement for the best aesthetic outcome, it can take a few treatments to get the best long-term result which can then be replicated with ongoing treatments. 


    Wrinkle relaxers last approximately 3 months for the relaxing of facial muscles (based on clinical studies). The treatment lasts longer in areas such as the masseter muscles and sweat glands with results expected up to 6 months. 


    Full muscle paralysis of the muscles does not last the full treatment duration and muscle activity begins to return at the 6 to 8-week mark in most individuals, with a full return to pre-treatment movement at approximately 12 weeks.


    Longevity depends on the type of wrinkle relaxer used, dosage (number of units used), its indication, particular muscle injected, compliance with aftercare and individual factors such as metabolism. For those who request a more ‘natural’ result with residual muscle movement, the results will not last as long (2 months average) due to the lower dose used. 


    Regular maintenance treatments are required and essential for long-lasting results. 

    We advise at least 3 treatments each year for wrinkle relaxers to maintain your results and prevent wrinkle formation. 


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